Wild Femme Alliance

A Network for Driven Career Moms

Step Into Your Excellence & Outside Convention—Join A Network for Driven Career Moms Who are ready to Play Big & Get Loud.

More Than Networking…

Explore Our Sacred Space Where Driven Women Learn to Live and Lead with Passion

For today’s driven career mom, doing and being it all is freaking hard. Juggling the kids, the career, the home, and the relationship places big demands on our energy, which affects our quality of life. However, with a little bit of insight, we can step out of conventional thinking about who we think we should be and into our excellence.
The Wild Femme Alliance is designed to help you play big, live loud, and lead with passion and intention in all aspects of your life.
Best of all, you get actual access to your coach, Charlie Mac. She’s a confidence activator, author, speaker, certified life and high-performance coach. As the CEO of Wild Woman International INC. and as a mom and grandmother herself, Charlie is ready to jump into this incredible Alliance with you and help you supercharge your life.
Get continuous value from your membership for an entire year! Charlie and her team will have your back during the entire length of your membership!

Stop Playing it Small. Start Playing it Big.

It's easier than you think

The world puts ridiculous expectations on women, especially driven career moms who are trying to balance family, career, relationships, and their own life.
If you’re like I was, you are probably exhausted by the challenge to be everywhere and do everything for everyone.
You give, and give, and give of yourself and at the end of the day you feel drained and maybe like you haven’t accomplished a fraction of what you wanted to. Pleasing, performing, and perfecting aren’t new to you either.
Perhaps you even shrink yourself down because you’re convinced the world doesn’t reward a woman who plays it big and gets loud.
But you landed here for a reason.
And that reason is that you know you deserve more.
You know that the more time you spend working towards everyone else’s dreams, the less time there is left for you and yours.
You’re not alone.

I know because I've been there...

I know what it's like to feel the need to perform beyond expectations – the drive to provide incredible deliverables, only to end up feeling depleted and insecure.
I know what it's like to spread yourself so thin it feels like there's not enough hours in the day to ever catch up. And learning the hard way that no schedule, no planner, no device can fix it.
I, too, have brought my child to work, had my daughter sleep in my lap while writing emails, snapped at my kids for laughing… yes, for laughing.
Taking work on vacation? Yep. Been there.
I know what it's like to fantasize about running your own show (thinking it will change everything) only to find out how much MORE work it is and then pray for those 40-hour workweeks again.
And I know what it's like to give up my mojo to all the wrong people, which for me, resulted in being entangled in abusive marriages. But the lesson here is that the habit of pleasing, performing, and perfecting can spin wildly out of control with very little effort on our part. And what was initially a driven, busy woman can very quickly become:

  • Giving away our magic
  • Becoming snappy or pushing others away
  • Overwhelm that leads us to numb ourselves with toxic behaviors
  • Confidence dips that become depressive episodes
  • Rumination that deflates our happiness
  • Resentment toward our own children for needing us
  • Guilt and shame for never filling expectations

And that's why it's so important to have a community space to explore: 

 How we buy into this programming in the first place
 What we can do to empower ourselves and each other
 Make changes to our belief patterns
 Strengthen our confidence and resolve though community
 Get ongoing access to a space that supports your new way of being

That’s why I launched the Wild Femme Alliance.

I want to see women like you succeed and transform your drive into real results, just like I did.
Unlike other groups where you’d have to do all the heavy lifting, Wild Femme Alliance is guided by an active coach who brings you the gift of extended conversations with other experts in the field of self-actualization.
Imagine being one of a few women who enjoy frequent, direct contact with a high-performance coach and other high-earning career moms who you want to network with.
Aligned, you will feel energized to say hell yes to the things that ignite your passion and hell no to the things that drain your energy.
Our Alliance connects you with these and other like-minded leaders in a few simple clicks.
Perhaps best of all, is the intimate size of the membership which helps you get the most out of every interaction.
You’re probably itching to learn more about what’s included in your new membership…

Here’s A Sneak Peek of What You Get As A Wild Femme Alliance Member…

Crash Course in Confidence 
($600 Value)

Are you sick of people pleasing but have no clue how to break the loop you’re stuck in?

Of course, you are.

Write your awesome label here.
It’s downright exhausting to spend your days running around performing your heart out, only to feel like no one even notices.

Unfortunately, it’s no surprise that we end up here.

As children, we’re taught to follow society’s definition of success, instead of listening to our own intuition.

So, how do you know if you’re living your life or what you were told is the right way to live?

Well, if you live the life of a people pleaser you probably…

  • Push yourself so hard you frequently experience burnout
  • Desperately want to use your voice more often but aren’t sure how.
  • Secretly crave more confidence.
  • You’re used to hearing that you have your “shit together” by people who know you.
  • You feel like you could be happier but aren’t sure how to get there.
  • Find yourself with very little “you” time and don’t enjoy much of what you do.

If any of this sounds familiar, then it’s time to step outside your box.

With your Wild Femme Alliance, you get immediate access to Crash Course in Confidence to unleash a more balanced, confident you! Get this $600 value for FREE with your membership.

Real Monsters and Sacred Boundaries Course ($222 Value)!

Next up, you get direct access to the Real Monsters and Scared Boundaries course. We hear so much about boundaries, yet how many of us have a clear-cut process for creating them?

In this course, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the various characters in your life and how to easily set boundaries with them.

Bonus Content

In addition to our courses, you’ll also get the following bonus content…  
Access to the For Good Measure Podcast Extension
Tap into the Wild Femme Podcast extension episodes with complete access to each extended conversation only available within our network.
Ask Charlie Livestreams Every Sunday
Our “Ask Charlie” Livestreams are every Sunday and are short and sweet answers to the questions asked by you or other members. Founding members get direct access to ask questions that could be answered on the spot or featured in a future Livestream.

Weekend Masterminds
Explore bite-sized courses designed to easily digest over a weekend. Our topics include Tapping for Confidence, Negotiate That Raise, Sourcing Abundance, and Techie Tips for Entrepreneurs. With new courses dropped at least once every quarter, it’s the perfect way to level up your skillsets.

You’ll also get access to ANY new course created during the year! ($3,000 Value!)

Make An Impact
Not only do you benefit from your membership, but so do women who have been the victim of abuse, trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. $44 of your membership goes directly to Thistle Farms, a nonprofit that offers healing and safe and supportive housing for these women.

About Thistle Farms

Write your awesome label here.
Wild Femme Alliance is a once-a-year, continuous value community that goes above and beyond your basic course content and network membership.
See for yourself what all the fuss is about.
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